Sober Companioning
Made Mentoring provides Sober Companioning services to individuals that need extra support in their recover.y.
What is sober companioning?
In our sober companioning program we often work with clients just discharging from residential/inpatient treatment programs or from secondary programs such as extended care or sober living, but we also work with those who have a drive & desire or need to heal outside of the recognized residential treatment setting, for longer-term assignments.
In addition, Made Mentoring Sober Companions have specialized training and are dedicated to discreet, yet effective programs for high-profile and/or high-income clientele.
Why should being a high-profile or high-income individual be the cause for being denied the same opportunities for recovery as others?
It is often thought that recovery is easier for wealthy or famous individuals, when in fact, the opposite is more often true. We have seen many times over, actors, musicians, artists & celebrities &/or the “very wealthy” have a very difficult time committing to, entering & holding onto recovery. From multiple failed treatment facilities, to tragic deaths, this very specific population has a disproportionate recovery rate. Being “famous” or “wealthy” seems to prohibit a true recovery process that is afforded to many others, but that doesn’t have to be the case…
Made Mentoring brings the recovery experience to the individual for a long-term solution, whether or not we are providing short or long-term services. It is obvious to us that high-profile executives & artists often decide to go to treatment, but rarely do we see them, without a sober companion, engaged in post-treatment recovery activities as prescribed by treatment providers & the AMA. There is a large disconnect between what this population does for their recovery post-treatment. High-income &/or profile individuals often miss the “meat & potatoes” of connected recovery in the early stages & treatment transition, & therefore, are disproportionately likely to relapse, & relapse, & relapse without a Companion (if they beat the odds & survive ).
Recovery for High Profile individuals
Made Mentoring understands the specific need for an increased & heightened awareness of what recovery looks like for high profile individuals. Made Mentoring is dedicated to shifting the potential for recovery to all individuals, including the “rich & famous, they should not be at a disadvantage simply because they have been blessed financially.
It is the strange paradox of what we know in recovery, without support, money &/or fame seems to prohibit a true & honest recovery.
If you are broke & homeless, & your life depends on being clean & sober, you may go to any lengths to recover, & what a value it has! But if we have fame & large bank accounts, going to any length seems like a very short trip, & desperation, the normal motivator, doesn’t seem to exist. Until life ends tragically.
We are here to help beat the odds, save lives & to bridge the gap & make sure all have the same opportunity for a quality recovery & way of life. Our clients have gifts & talents to share, goals to attain, & meaningful lives to be lived. Sober Companions is here to not only make it possible, but probable that clients stay in recovery & empowered to live their lives fully.